Friday 7 April 2017

Tentang Aku

Have you ever heard of this song? 'Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra?'
 Its a quite lovely song actually and because it is ayy one beautiful song i would like to do
 a Little Do You Know aboooouuuttttt ME.

Im going to tell you the top 10 about my habits or about the things that i always did
 so Hang Onnnnn!

1) I dont sleep in the dark. I hate dark place. I would turn on all the lights if i want to go down stair including the kitchen lights, the porch lights, my backyard lights all the toilet lights down there, my store lights. Well basically all the lights in my house i would switch it on.

2) Im that type of person who only listen to those thing that I think its important and what i mean by IMPORTANT'E is the things that to do with me and ONLY ME.  
Hmm (Selective Haring) to be precise. 

3) If i want something to get done i would make it happen no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT. even if i have to stay up all night.

4) I get panic EASILY. I have no chill man. I still remember this incident where our college ada Fire Drill and my roommate got her things down stair like all those important thing such as laptop, wallet, handphone etc.. 

BUTTTT i got a freaking clothes hanger and my phone with powerbank. Why hangerrr? sebab masa nak amek sweater dlm almari, baju tu boleh pulak tersangkut kat hanger tu so i just amek jela dgn hanger2 tu and whats even worst is i ran down stair while screaming "TERBAKAR ! KOLEJ TERBAKAR!" Oh not to mention i did went to rumah sebelah and jerit "CEPAT TURUN KOLEJ TERBAKAR!" padahal dyeorg already noticed about the fire drill. 

Sumpah malu gila. But i ran as fast as possible leaving my roommate behind. Tapi okay lah at least i have my cloths on drpd ada yang turun pakai towel je wehh. But the fire drill was epic do. they got like 3 firetrucks datang buat demo. WELL DONE UITM.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Pagi Hari

I can't sleep. I have no fucking idea what to do. I don't have my damn phone right now cause its broke and believe or not, my phone has been broke for like 2 WEEKS! rasa nak matiiiii jeeeeeeeee! Whats more frustrating is my iPhone where i bought with my own moneyy, Hilanggg kena curiii with DAMN DEMON! fuck whoever stole it!  

You see, Its not about "I can't live without phone" Its just that is something important nowadays where all the fucking info and fucking things that we need to know is in that damn gadget. Especially people nowadays use whatsapp to tell everything such as where my class would be held on? what time? class cancel ke apa? about assignment. Its very hard for me to contact my 
parent my friend. 

Apparently, I am now at "JustHotel" in JB where this is our first stop hotel before we continue our Family Holiday tomorrow morning. So this is my problem. a problem where i am not that kind of person who would easily fall asleep thats the first thing. The second thing is, EVERYTIME it comes to a new place like Hotel and stuff, I don't know why but i always feel like I've been watching by idk and idc who and my eyes always wanted to stay open and aware of every fucking things around me or even a little sound would scare me to dead. 

Third thing is, I can't sleep in the dark. I must and WAJIB BUKAK LAMPU. Even, I bawak my fairylight to my hostel and luckily, my roommate pon tak boleh tidur dalam gelap so yeah lucky me. These are the fucking problem that I can't resist. memang dari kecik tak pernah tidur with lights off and when i was a little, I always leave my door open, even sikit. As long as i can see my parent's room. 

Man, I hope i can sleep rn cause im damn tired. Happy sleeping guys. Bye. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Qie is name given

A little thing about me. Well apparently i am known as qie. I don't really like people to call me with my full name because my family would usually call me that when they are mad at me or something, you know when your mom ask u to clean up the dishes and she went crazy like "SYAQIENAHHHH BASUH PINGGAN" yea, something like that. 

I am 19 this year, 2017. Currently studying at UiTM Lendu, Alor Gajah. I am taking MASSCOMM course. Do I love my course? yes. Do I enjoy my college life? perhaps. 

For these years i have been living in my own beauty self and body haha, I can say that I have a lot of things which I Love and Hate. so I don't want to bring up all those thing here. I will tell you little by little about myself on my next post. So yeah, Bye.